Thursday, August 4, 2011

Low Calorie Lemon Pepper Hummus

It's been a while, but I am getting the urge to blog again. My husband and I have been busy, busy, busy getting ready to build a house, so while I've been cooking and loving it, I haven't really been measuring or writing it down! I missed my little blog, so here I am, here to serve you and hopefully give you some inspiration for your own kitchen!

Now, let's get to it - let there be hummus!
I love hummus, oh so much, so I experimented by cutting out the oil and adding a savory substitute - lemon juice! It is simple, rich in flavor, and did I say simple? Plus, it's a whole lot cheaper to make it then buy it.

The cast of characters:
1 can garbanzo beans - aka chick peas
1 tablespoon lemon juice
A few shakes of lemon pepper - to taste

Put garbanzo beans in the food processor, blend.

Add lemon juice & lemon pepper, blend again

Sample with your favorite dipper - carrots, pita, your finger, etc, etc.
Refrigerate and try not to eat all in one sitting!

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