Thursday, August 11, 2011

BBQ Chicken Open Faced Sandwich

I bought a beautiful loaf of french bread at the farmer's market and well, it was just so beautiful I almost didn't want to eat it. Well, I got over that - notice I said almost - and decided to make a good ol'rib sticking sandwich.

Honestly, I didn't really have a final result in mind when I started to put it together (really I just kind of cleaned out the fridge and put it all on this sandwich)! But, my husband loved it, so the end result was a winner! Sometimes the best recipes just sort of create themselves and you just have to go with it and never look back (oh, unless you look back for seconds - then it's ok)

What you need to round up:
1 loaf of french bread

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 cup of your favorite BBQ sauce
(Ok - so the BBQ sauce I used wasn't my favorite - I'm a Sweet Baby Ray's kinda gal)
Chicken broth

4 Tablespoons cream cheese
2 green onions
Red pepper flakes
An appetite!

It's so easy, here we go!

Place chicken breasts in baking dish
Preheat your oven to 375

Pour chicken broth over the breasts until the dish is about an inch full
Pour your 1 cup of BBQ sauce over and spread evenly
Bake in oven for about 25 minutes or until it reaches at least 165 degrees internally

In the meantime ...
Slice that beautiful loaf in half lengthwise

Chop your green onions

Spread 2 Tablespoons of cream cheese on each half of the loaf
Scatter green onions on top of the cream cheese

When your chicken is done - let it cool until it is touchable and chop it into cubes
Also, when your chicken is done - turn the oven up to 400
I know - not a pretty picture - it's just a messy process!

Top the bread with chicken cubes

My tummy is growling ...

Sprinkle red pepper flakes on top

Admire for a minute - then put those babies in the oven!

Bake at 400 for about 5 minutes
Switch the oven to broil and go another 5 minutes or until it gets slightly brown & bubbly
Let it cool for a few minutes - then cut off a hunk and enjoy

It is also really good topped with Baker's Favorite Coleslaw!
Oh yeah - pile it on!

And ... don't make this for a first date because eating it is um ... messy to say the least

Baker's Favorite Coleslaw

Ahhh, coleslaw. It is one of my summer favorites. It is good alone, or on top of a warm sandwich!
We were given a homegrown cabbage head from my husband's coworker and we both decided we were cravin' some 'slaw!
What you need:
1/2 head of cabbage (or whole head if smaller)
1-2 carrots
1 red bell pepper
1 cup mayonnaise (I like the kind made with olive oil - half the calories!)
1 tablespoon mustard
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
A few shakes of cayenne
Fresh ground pepper to taste
1 teaspoon of sugar

Cut your cabbage head in half

Cut diagonally then in half again
Wash the cabbage in colander

Wash and peel your carrots
Cut with potato peeler (or with knife if you want thicker shreds)

Cut the top off your bell pepper

Off with his head!
Sorry - I couldn't resist that one!

Pull out the seeds and "guts" with your hand

Cut pepper in half, slice into long strips, and cut those strips in half

Put your cabbage, carrots, and peppers in your bowl and toss them together

The dressing:
Put everything (mayonnaise, mustard, balsamic vinegar, cayenne, pepper) except the sugar in a bowl
Stir together

Add the sugar, stir until color is consistent
Add more pepper to taste if needed

Stir the dressing into your cabbage, carrot, pepper mixture until evenly distributed
Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving

Is your mouth watering? Mine is!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Huckleberry Vodka Infusion - Stage 2

As promised, here is Stage 2 of huckleberry infused vodka!
No chit chat, I am just going to get right into it here (what? I am thirsty!)

Step 1: To tell if it is ready - you have to open it and sip it. It's a tough job, but you can handle it!
That is really the only way to tell because each to their own in flavor strength

Step 2: If it's ready, you can optionally remove the berries.
I choose not to remove/strain berries. 
Not because they have much of a taste left, but because they look so pretty floating around in the glass. (Think accessories for your drink - and Rachel Zoe says you can never over accessorize, so that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

Step 3: Pour desired amount into a glass over ice 
Don't spill like I did!!

Step 4: The mixer
I chose tonic water, but I also love it with soda water
Personally, I like a minimally or mildly flavored mixer because I really wanted to enjoy the flavor I created with my infusion

Step 5: I still can't get over my new mason jar wine glass! It's too fun, and you can even put a lid on them!
Watch out, because I learned how to make them, and you might get one for Christmas!
Step 6: Make one for your man, friend, mom, neighbor, roommate - because this is too delightful not to go around.

Huckleberry Vodka Infusion - Stage 1

TGIF & hellooo huckleberries! I am excited to share this infusion, because it is just so delicious and refreshing for these dog days of summer.

Infusions are fun and you can throw in whatever fruit or veggie that is in season. I found some huckleberries in the freezer from last summer and decided the best way to use them up is to dump them in vodka!

The thing I love most about infusions is that even though you can buy the same flavor off the shelf at the liquor store, it just doesn't taste as good as the real fruit flavor. So in honor of huckleberry season coming up, I bring you huckleberry (hiccup) infused vodka!

What you need: mason jar, vodka, & huckleberries (or berries of your choice).

Step 1: fill jar at least 3/4 full of berries (mine are frozen - they can be either fresh or frozen)

Step 2: Pour the vodka into the mason jar

Step 3: Put on the lid

Step 4: Store for about 3 days, berry infusions tend to infuse pretty quick
Shake gently once a day

Stay tuned for stage 2 (yes, this is the stage you get to drink it)!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Low Calorie Lemon Pepper Hummus

It's been a while, but I am getting the urge to blog again. My husband and I have been busy, busy, busy getting ready to build a house, so while I've been cooking and loving it, I haven't really been measuring or writing it down! I missed my little blog, so here I am, here to serve you and hopefully give you some inspiration for your own kitchen!

Now, let's get to it - let there be hummus!
I love hummus, oh so much, so I experimented by cutting out the oil and adding a savory substitute - lemon juice! It is simple, rich in flavor, and did I say simple? Plus, it's a whole lot cheaper to make it then buy it.

The cast of characters:
1 can garbanzo beans - aka chick peas
1 tablespoon lemon juice
A few shakes of lemon pepper - to taste

Put garbanzo beans in the food processor, blend.

Add lemon juice & lemon pepper, blend again

Sample with your favorite dipper - carrots, pita, your finger, etc, etc.
Refrigerate and try not to eat all in one sitting!