Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Big Fat Greek Burger

I was trying to figure out what to do with the leftover sun dried tomatoes in my fridge. I also had a jar of diced green olives ... I must be in the mood for burgers lately because this combo is what inspired me to create My Big Fat Greek Burger! The moist burger is topped with caramelized balsamic onions and eaten over broiled garlic bread or a bed of lettuce.
The Burger:
1-2 lbs ground beef or ground lamb
1 egg
1 c finely chopped sun dried tomatoes
3 heaping spoons of diced green olives
1 T dried basil
1/2 t cumin
Sea salt & pepper to taste
Feta cheese sliced
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl with a big spoon. Form into patties, leaving a dent or thumb print on the top (this prevents a puffing/dome shaped burger that results from steam being trapped inside).
Cook burgers on BBQ or like I do on our Traeger Smoker on medium heat.
In the meantime, prepare the onions!
The Caramelized Balsamic Onions:
1 medium onion diced
1/4 c extra virgin olive oil
2 T balsamic vinegar
1/2 t sea salt
Heat extra virgin olive oil in skillet over medium heat
Add onions, salt, pepper
Cover and cook for about 5 minutes
Uncover and let the sauteing begin
Saute, stirring frequently until the onions begin to be tender and brown, this will take 20-25 minutes
Remove from heat and stir in balsamic
Serve hot or cold over burger

They are done!

Now that the onions are done ... time for bread (if you want it - otherwise eat over bed of lettuce)

The Bread:
Slice of your favorite bread
Spread on butter (I love Brummel & Brown yogurt butter)
Sprinkle on cumin, garlic, onion salt
Broil until lightly crisp

When the burger reaches an internal temperature of 150 degrees, place a slice of feta cheese on top and cook until it reaches 160 degrees.
Great as leftovers for your lunch tomorrow! :)

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