Monday, April 4, 2011

Cinderella Shredded Beef Tacos

This meal has it's own Cinderella Story. It started a pot roast turned mouth watering shredded beef taco.

I will be the first to admit, I am a cook not a chef. Sometimes I have flops. Yesterday I was getting myself ready for my amazing 5 course meal paired with 5 wines for Virgil's at Cimmiyotti's Sno Road winery dinner. Oh! Wait! What will my hubby eat? Luckily I had a pot roast defrosting in my fridge and I threw it in the crockpot. Unluckily, I hardly seasoned it, and it was pretty bland. It was moist and had great texture, it just needed a little magic touch. Hence it's Cinderella story.

The makeover:
Shred beef pot roast (pre-cooked in crock pot)
Throw beef in pan over medium heat on stove top (I use cast iron)
Add 1 can organic or natural low sodium broth (beef is best, but whatever is in your pantry works - i used chicken)
Slice 1 small onion into chunks, add to meat
Add 1 can Ro-Tel with chiles

Shake about 4 T Montreal Steak Seasoning on the meat
Add 4 T of taco seasoning

Remaining ingredients:
Tortillas of your choice
Splash of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Stir mixture, turn up heat, and gradually bring to simmer. Simmer or boil until juices thicken or boil off.

While meat is simmering, heat a splash of oil in a cast iron pan on low. When warm, heat tortilla on oil, flip and wait until the tortilla has small brown "bubbles".

Healthy twist: Forget the carbs, ditch that tortilla and throw the meat over a salad!

Top with your fave taco toppings. I love sun dried tomatoes, half-homemade ranch (ranch mix & sour cream), olives, emerald valley organic salsa or pace, shredded cheese. And everything needs a splash of Tabasco.

Wine: I paired it with a basic, less expensive two vine from Columbia Crest. It's a Merlot-Cab, and a reliable, easy, smooth wine for drinking a glass of during the week.I am not always a fan of the two vine, but I seem to love this mix for a casual glass in the evening!


  1. Looks delicious. I might have to try this! I can't wait to see more of your posts. By the way, how was the wine paired dinner??!!

  2. i think a white would probably be better with it, but if i open a bottle during the week, i don't want to open a nice bottle. so i go with one i can sip on and enjoy all week long.

  3. Great Blog, Juls! I love that you made something great out of something so-so.
