Thursday, April 28, 2011

British Cucumber Sandwiches

Because of "Royal" inspiration, I am making cucumber sandwiches! It seems I too have caught the Royal Wedding Fever! It excites me to watch a piece of history as it happens. This memorable event isn't war, natural disaster, or economic distress; but a positive piece of history we can happily look back on as a true fairy tale, a so called "commoner" becomes a princess.

So here we go, my first attempt at making cucumber sandwiches. From what I read, they are traditionally served with tea ... but ... I am opting to pair it with a Riesling tonight!
Traditional? No! Tasty? Yes.
I found this recipe online, I'll admit it's not an original!

What you need:
Cucumber, washed
1/2 c cider vinegar
1 c water
8 ozs of cream cheese, room tempreature
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 t garlic powder
1/4 t onion salt
Dash Worcestershire
1 loaf sliced white bread
Dash of paprika
First thing is first, you grate your cucumber down the sides with a fork to create indented lines. I am sure there is an official term for this technique, but we will call it "pretty fork lines"!

Next, slice the cukes very thinly
In a bowl, mix water, vinegar, and add cucumbers.
Let cukes sit in liquid for 30 minutes

In the meantime ...

Open your wine! Oh, or pour your tea, it's your call!
Also in the meantime, mix the remaining ingredients together for your spread. I mixed by hand, but a hand mixer would probably be easier
  Set the spread aside
After your cucumbers have soaked for 30 minutes they will be slightly pickled
(as will you if you drank that wine)

Drain the cucumbers, place between 2 paper towels to soak up excess liquid
Spread your cream cheese/mayonnaise mixture on all slices of bread, you want it on each side of the sandwich
Layer the cucumbers on the spread, put your sandwich together

Important: Cut off crusts! Liberate the inner crust hating child in you!
 Slice sandwich into quarters, triangle shaped
Sprinkle with paprika
Toast with your tea, wine, or whatever you pair this delightful, refreshing sandwich with, and enjoy!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quinoa Granola Trail Mix

It's kid week! My adorable 2 year old niece is staying with me this week, so I haven't had as much time to post recipes. However, she helped me make a great one today! Inspired by a quinoa granola recipe I saw online, I revamped the recipe and threw it in a trail mix! And I have to admit, even though it was meant for kids ... I can't stop eating it!!
What is quinoa? (Pronounced keen-wa) is a seed, but can be used like a grain. It has all 9 essential amino-acids, which makes it a complete protein. It is usually organic and is gluten and cholesterol free.

Alright, ready to hit the trail? Well ... trail mix that is ...

What you need

The Granola:
1 cup quinoa (washed and drained)
1 cup old fashioned oatmeal
3 T pure maple syrup
2 T extra virgin olive oil
1 t cinnamon
Mix the maple syrup, oil, and cinnamon together, stir in quinoa and oats.
Spread on greased baking sheet
Bake at 350 for 15 minutes, stirring or flipping every 5 minutes.
Cool completely.
It might look like bird seed ... but it tastes great!

In the meantime ... you can get the trail mix ready!
Trail Mix:
2 cups sunflower seeds (unsalted)
1 cup unsweetened coconut
2 cups raisins
1.5 cups unsweetened mini chocolate chips (my niece loved the minis - at my house they have been renamed to "teeny-tiny-choco-chips)
Quinoa/oatmeal granola
(Feel free to add whatever else you have in the cupboard: chopped dates, M&Ms, nuts, Craisins, etc, etc)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Big Fat Greek Burger

I was trying to figure out what to do with the leftover sun dried tomatoes in my fridge. I also had a jar of diced green olives ... I must be in the mood for burgers lately because this combo is what inspired me to create My Big Fat Greek Burger! The moist burger is topped with caramelized balsamic onions and eaten over broiled garlic bread or a bed of lettuce.
The Burger:
1-2 lbs ground beef or ground lamb
1 egg
1 c finely chopped sun dried tomatoes
3 heaping spoons of diced green olives
1 T dried basil
1/2 t cumin
Sea salt & pepper to taste
Feta cheese sliced
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl with a big spoon. Form into patties, leaving a dent or thumb print on the top (this prevents a puffing/dome shaped burger that results from steam being trapped inside).
Cook burgers on BBQ or like I do on our Traeger Smoker on medium heat.
In the meantime, prepare the onions!
The Caramelized Balsamic Onions:
1 medium onion diced
1/4 c extra virgin olive oil
2 T balsamic vinegar
1/2 t sea salt
Heat extra virgin olive oil in skillet over medium heat
Add onions, salt, pepper
Cover and cook for about 5 minutes
Uncover and let the sauteing begin
Saute, stirring frequently until the onions begin to be tender and brown, this will take 20-25 minutes
Remove from heat and stir in balsamic
Serve hot or cold over burger

They are done!

Now that the onions are done ... time for bread (if you want it - otherwise eat over bed of lettuce)

The Bread:
Slice of your favorite bread
Spread on butter (I love Brummel & Brown yogurt butter)
Sprinkle on cumin, garlic, onion salt
Broil until lightly crisp

When the burger reaches an internal temperature of 150 degrees, place a slice of feta cheese on top and cook until it reaches 160 degrees.
Great as leftovers for your lunch tomorrow! :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kid Friendly Protein Broccoli!

Kid Friendly Protein Broccoli

I love broccoli, I guess my parents were lucky I consider it a comfort food. So ... you want your kids to love it too? Here you go, they can't resist this!

1 bag frozen broccoli
1 pack ranch dip mix
1 24 oz tub 2 % cottage cheese
Mix all ingredients together
Bake @ 400 for 30 minutes
You can also broil for a crunchy brown finish
Healthy Twist: Add chopped cauliflower!
To make even more kid friendly add ground beef, chop broccoli fine, or add parmesan cheese on top.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rainbow Peep-Cakes!

Peep Cakes! I made these for a baby shower, but they are so fun and bright they are great for Easter too! Any excuse to eat peeps right?

The best thing about rainbow cupcakes is they are chameleons, they can be done extra bright like tie dye, in school colors, or party theme colors! You can play around with topping decorations, not just peeps! Have fun and see how many colors your tongue will turn!
I varied my tried and true cupcake mix a little by leaving out the pudding and milk and adding a few new things (like mayo!). So this was an experimental batch, and lucky for me there was gold at the end of my rainbow cupcake!

1 boxed cake mix (I used french vanilla)
Add ingredients according to box
Add an extra 1/4 cup oil
Add a big ol'dollop of mayo! (I mean big, like a 1/4 cup)
I promise you won't taste it - but if the idea of mayo grosses you out, add applesauce, which is also healthy twist!

1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp butter extract
Food coloring of your choice
Blend according to box mix directions (include extra oil in addition to the oil called for in the recipe as it calls for it, so don't put it in two separate times, put all oil in at once)
Mix in mayo, vanilla extract, and butter extract
Separate batter into different bowls (one bowl for each color you want in your cupcake)
Mix colors in batter
Spoon first color, distribute evenly in cupcake pans
Spoon in second, third, and so on
Bake according to box directions
I always take them out 5 minutes earlier then called for on box

EDIT: I forgot to mention a moisture tip! Place an oven safe container full of water in the oven while preheating. This creates steam in the oven. Leave it in the entire bake time on the bottom shelf. The steam wil help hold the moisture in your cupcake :)

The French Vanilla Buttercream Frosting:
2 pounds confectioner's (aka powdered) sugar
1 c butter, room temperature (2 sticks)
1/2 cup french vanilla coffee creamer (or your favorite flavor)
1 T vanilla extract
1 t butter extract
1.5 t salt (thanks for the tip Kelsey!!)
Using electric mixer or Kitchen Aid, cream butter. Turn speed to low and add the confectioner's sugar 1 cup at a time, carefully, or you may end up with a face full of it. Blend well.
Add creamer, extracts, salt, blend until smooth.
You can use frosting now, or refrigerate. I have never tried freezing it, but if you do, tell me how it goes!
If you store in fridge, pull out about 30 minutes before using. It is easier to work with in piping bag if it's not too cold.
Optional: Food coloring and sprinkles!


Friday, April 8, 2011

Mexican Burgers

I love a good burger. Why not mix it up, and throw in a little Mexican flavor? If you really want to mix it up drink this with a margarita or Corona! Ingredients are listed under each category, depending on your taste and calorie counting status, you may want to leave the cheese, sauce, or tortilla out. It is a self guided recipe, you make what you want to eat! (Kind of like paint by number ....!)


The Burgers
1-2 pounds ground beef, bison, chicken, turkey, elk (It's your call, I like bison)
1.5 T Montreal Steak Seasoning
1 t cumin
1/2 t chili powder
1 egg
Mix well in a bowl, form patties, make sure to leave a "dent" or big thumbprint in the top (this prevents the puffing/dome shape a thick burger gets when steam gets trapped in it). Or, if you have an eater in your household like my husband, you have to "flatten" out a couple burgers completely because for some reason he likes a flat burger!

I cook mine on our Traeger Smoker, but these can be BBQ'ed or broiled. So pick a cooking method and cook on medium until the internal temperature reaches 160 degrees. I recommend temperature over time, because every oven and BBQ is different.  This ensures a safe and tasty piece of meat.

The Sauce
3/4 can red enchilada sauce
1 can 98% fat free cream of mushroom soup
1 can diced tomatoes (or equal amount of fresh tomatoes diced)
A couple dashes of sea salt
Fresh cracked pepper to taste
Put all ingredients in a pan over medium to high heat, bring to a simmer. Let simmer up to 5 minutes, stirring continually while it simmers and thickens. Turn down to low heat, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.

In the meantime, throw 1 T extra virgin olive oil in a skillet (I like cast iron), let it heat up.

The "Cheese"
4 oz cream cheese, room temp
1/4 onion, diced
1/2 can olives, hand chopped
1 T taco seasoning

When burgers are getting close to being done (reaching about 150-155 degrees) top with heaping spoonfuls of "The Cheese". It will melt a little and get browned on top.

Now that "The Cheese" is on, cut 1 tortilla in half, put both halves in your skillet to warm up. When the tortilla starts to "bubble" flip and cook the other side. Remove from heat, put on your plate, and go get those burgers off the grill, I know you are hungry by now!
Layer the tortillas on each other, place 1 burger per 2 tortilla halves (1 full tortilla), you need the thickness of 2 to hold up to a burger. Top with "the sauce" and fold tortillas around the burger. Add other toppings such as sour cream, hot sauce, or pickled jalapenos.

Healthy twist: Use a whole wheat tortilla, don't eat the tortilla, or leave off the sauce. The cheese and burger hold up well on their own on top of a salad.

Whip Cream Raspberry Dream

It's Friday!! I am celebrating with a drink recipe! And it's a good one, so hold on to your cups!
All week I have been hearing about this new "Whip Cream" flavored vodka. Co-workers and I debated what you would mix it with, and we came up with some great ideas, orange soda, jello shooters, milk, diet soda, Kahlua, etc, etc. Well I couldn't resist picking up a bottle after work, and putting it to the test. I might even try it twice for quality control! What? It's Friday!

The best part, at 121 calories and 2.5 g sugar a glass, it isn't toooo bad for you. 1 glass has about the same calories as a microbrew or a big glass of red wine. So all in all, don't feel that guilty for this pleasure.

Without further ado, here's the drink:
1.5 oz Pinnacle Whipped Cream Vodka
1 T Coffeemate Chocolate Raspberry Creamer
Diet Pepsi (or coke)
Pour over ice, mix, sip, then melt into your recliner and watch Real Housewives reruns!

Healthy twist: Leave out the creamer or use skim milk!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Date Night! Bacon Wrapped Dates!

Cimmiyotti's Inspired Bacon Wrapped Dates

This Sunday I had dinner at a great restaurant and tried a new combo I couldn't help but recreate. Bacon and dates, it's that simple.

What you need:
Dried, pitted dates

I cut bacon into thirds, placed the date on the end, wrapped and stuck it with a toothpick.

I cooked mine on our Traeger smoker, medium heat until the bacon was browning and getting crispy and the date begins to caramelize.
You can also BBQ or broil this.

These are great alone as appetizers; or as I first tried them, toothpick removed in an anti-pasta salad. No matter how you eat them, there is no denying they are delicious and rich!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Aloha Teriyaki Chicken Chi Chis!

Our friend Brian brought us a pineapple this weekend. I thought about grilling it, thought about throwing it in some yogurt, but adding bacon to it really couldn't be argued with. I cooked mine on our Traeger smoker grill. But this can be done on the BBQ on medium heat, or even in the oven.

The Bird:
2 large boneless skinless chicken breasts
1/2 pineapple, sliced into small chunks
6 slices bacon, sliced into small pieces
2 slices Swiss cheese
Garlic Salt
Ginger (ground)

The Sauce:
Part of pineapple/bacon mixture (I'll tell you more later!)
1/4 c teriyaki sauce
1 t garlic salt
1/4 t ginger (ground)
1 T honey
1 t extra virgin olive oil

What else:
Toothpicks ... you're going to need the toothpicks!

Chop up the half pineapple into small chunks
Do the same with the bacon
Throw the bacon in a pan, medium heat, cook for 5 mintues
Add the pineapple and cook another 5 minutes
You will use about half of this mixture inside your chicken and half for the sauce

Slice chicken breast along the side of the breast, we'll call it "hot dog bun style"
Scoop a few heaping spoonfuls of the mixture in the fold of the chicken

Fold the top half of the chicken over and toothpick it into place
Season the chicken with a light dusting of fresh cracked black pepper, ground ginger, and garlic salt

If using Traeger: preheat on medium setting
If using BBQ: preheat to medium
If using oven: preheat to 350 degrees
Throw that chicken on the grill!

In the meantime, your bacon/pineapple mixture should be coming along nicely on medium heat
Add the rest of the sauce ingredients, bring to simmer
Turn heat down to low-medium and let the flavors mix

A chicken breast is safe to eat at the internal tempreature of 170 degrees, some like to let it go to 180 degrees, so it's your call
Depending on your cooking method (Traegar, bbq, oven) and the size of your breasts (I know, it's a personal question!) your chicken could take anywhere from 30 - 60 minutes
I really recommend going by temp over minutes to get it right

When your chicken reaches 165 degrees, throw the slice of Swiss cheese on it and let it melt (my favorite part!)

Top with sauce and enjoy!
Healthy twist: Don't add the sauce! You can even skimp on the cheese, but I think it's a sin

I said enjoy right?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cinderella Shredded Beef Tacos

This meal has it's own Cinderella Story. It started a pot roast turned mouth watering shredded beef taco.

I will be the first to admit, I am a cook not a chef. Sometimes I have flops. Yesterday I was getting myself ready for my amazing 5 course meal paired with 5 wines for Virgil's at Cimmiyotti's Sno Road winery dinner. Oh! Wait! What will my hubby eat? Luckily I had a pot roast defrosting in my fridge and I threw it in the crockpot. Unluckily, I hardly seasoned it, and it was pretty bland. It was moist and had great texture, it just needed a little magic touch. Hence it's Cinderella story.

The makeover:
Shred beef pot roast (pre-cooked in crock pot)
Throw beef in pan over medium heat on stove top (I use cast iron)
Add 1 can organic or natural low sodium broth (beef is best, but whatever is in your pantry works - i used chicken)
Slice 1 small onion into chunks, add to meat
Add 1 can Ro-Tel with chiles

Shake about 4 T Montreal Steak Seasoning on the meat
Add 4 T of taco seasoning

Remaining ingredients:
Tortillas of your choice
Splash of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Stir mixture, turn up heat, and gradually bring to simmer. Simmer or boil until juices thicken or boil off.

While meat is simmering, heat a splash of oil in a cast iron pan on low. When warm, heat tortilla on oil, flip and wait until the tortilla has small brown "bubbles".

Healthy twist: Forget the carbs, ditch that tortilla and throw the meat over a salad!

Top with your fave taco toppings. I love sun dried tomatoes, half-homemade ranch (ranch mix & sour cream), olives, emerald valley organic salsa or pace, shredded cheese. And everything needs a splash of Tabasco.

Wine: I paired it with a basic, less expensive two vine from Columbia Crest. It's a Merlot-Cab, and a reliable, easy, smooth wine for drinking a glass of during the week.I am not always a fan of the two vine, but I seem to love this mix for a casual glass in the evening!